You can read all about our investment types and explore detailed opportunities by logging into our secure portal. If you don't have an account, sign up today to gain access to exclusive investment information.
Yes, the minimum investment varies depending on the opportunity. Our team will provide details based on your preferences. Log in on our portal and view the minimum investment of specific portfolio.
Simply get in touch with us through the log in portal called "Get Started" in the menu bar, and pick a deal you would like to hear more about.
Returns vary depending on the market and the specific investment. We aim for long-term, sustainable growth and will provide tailored information for each opportunity.
Yes, we offer personalized investment solutions designed to meet the unique needs and risk profiles of each investor.
Our investments span across technology, healthcare, sustainability, and consumer goods, among others.
We provide funding, strategic guidance, and access to our global network to help entrepreneurs scale and succeed.
We integrate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors into all our investment decisions and align with global sustainability goals. You can read more on our Sustainability page.
All career-related inquiries are handled through our dedicated career portal. Visit this link to explore current openings and submit your application.
Yes, we provide ongoing support to both investors and entrepreneurs. From strategic guidance to performance monitoring, our team ensures long term value creation.
To view our latest deals and investment opportunities, please log in to our secure platform. If you don’t have an account yet, you can easily create one and gain access to exclusive opportunities tailored to your profile.
Kapita integrates Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into every investment decision. You can learn more about our sustainability efforts and specific initiatives on our Sustainability Page.